It actually sounds kind of gross, but BARF is an acronym for Biologically
Appropriate Raw Food or Bones and Raw Food. Many health conscious veterinarians
are huge advocates for this diet which can completely replace commercially
prepared dog food. One of the first proponents of the BARF diet was Dr. Ian
Billinghurst who still recommends it today. He believes that it is the ultimate
way to get our pets in to optimum health. Many people believe that the BARF diet
simulates what your dog would eat in his natural environment.
Many people feel that there are a lot of health advantages to feeding a raw food
diet. Many owners who have dogs with problems such as allergies, skin problems,
weight problems, and anal gland problems have found that the bones and raw food
diet has helped to significantly remedy these issues.
Some of the advantages to feeding a biologically appropriate raw food diet
include no consumption of preservatives found in most commercially prepared
kibble diets, it usually tastes better to your dog than regular dog food, and in
general, muscle mass and body condition improve on a raw food diet. One also
often finds that dogs produce fewer stools, eat more slowly, and have fewer
health problems. Many advocates of the raw food diet also claim that it is less
expensive than commercially manufactured dog food. One of the biggest
disadvantages to this diet is that it takes longer to prepare.
Healthy Dog Food System
If you decide that you would like to try the BARF diet with your dog, you must
first do the research. There are many websites and books available to guide you
through the process. Talk to your veterinarian, though many veterinarians are
unfamiliar with the BARF diet. Find people in your area that feed the raw food
diet to their animals. Make sure it is right for you and your dog before you try
The next step is to transition your dog from his commercial dog food to his new
bones and raw food diet. You may want to do this gradually as oftentimes dogs
develop digestive problems when switching to new diets. Some advocates of the
BARF diet recommend switching your dog to the new diet cold turkey, however.
When feeding a raw food diet, you will generally want to feed your dog twice per
day. The first meal of the day will usually consist of raw meat and bones like
turkey or chicken legs, thighs, wings, or necks, pork riblets, lamb chops, and
the like. The second meal will consist of a mush made with raw meat, fresh
vegetables, and Offal (the organs parts of the meat you are feeding).
Usually you will want to supplement this with cottage cheese, eggs with the
shells, yogurt, fruit, fish, and recreational bones (which are the harder to
chew kinds of bones). This can vary, so do your homework. You will want to avoid
grains. Advocates of the biologically appropriate raw food diet agree that dogs
do not have the proper digestive systems to deal with whole grains and that most
food allergies are grain related.
Most advocates of the raw food diet do not recommend supplements. If you arent
sure what to do, speak with your veterinarian.
Many people are hesitant to feed their dog a raw diet because they are concerned
about their dogs choking on bones. While these incidents occur, proponents of
raw food diets say they are rare, and that generally, dogs choke on cooked
bones, not raw ones.
There are commercially prepared raw food diets on the market. While this is
always an option for you if you choose to feed raw food, many advocates of the
BARF diet recommend against it. They argue that these foods have different
regulations that human grade foods, oftentimes contain unnecessary supplements,
are ground foods (and the whole basis of the BARF diet is raw, meaty bones), and
are much more expensive than visiting your local butcher.
If you decide that the bones and raw food diet is something that youd like to
try, first talk to your veterinarian about your decision. Then, do as much
research into the diet as possible. Talk to others who feed the diet. You may
find that by feeding the BARF diet you are improving the health of your dog.