Extensive research and experience has established the incontrovertible fact
that successful dog training is premised upon utilization of positive
reinforcement. Once-used training techniques that were premised on physical
punishment have been abandoned, and in many cases outlawed.
The difficulty inherent in non-violent training steeped in positive
reinforcement is that it requires a greater commitment from the owner. The old
methods relied on intimidation as a shortcut to results. Although far less
effective than today's techniques, they were simple to administer. In order to
use positive techniques, the owner must not only possess a good knowledge base,
he or she must also have patience.
Over and over again, the necessity of patience is emphasized in dog training
literature. 'Be patient with your dog.' 'Do not expect overnight results when
dealing with a difficult dog.' 'Maintain your cool when dealing with your dog.'
The presence of patience is preached as the ultimate virtue for anyone training
a dog. No one providing dog training guidance overlooks the value of patience.
However, patience is not necessarily an attribute possessed by all dog owners.
As a result, the impatient owner may often delve into his bag of intimidating
dirty tricks when things do not go according to plan, and we all know the
negative impact such a deviation from the positive-reinforcement route can have.
What needs to occur is that the owner must be trained before the dog can be
trained. Owners must be trained to be patient when dealing with their dog when
that personality trait is not already in place. All of the time spent teaching
techniques premised on the idea that an owner can be patient are doomed to fail
if that the owner cannot remain calm. As such, dog owners must teach themselves
to be patient during the training process.
Training an owner to be patient is no easier than training a dog to behave in
line with one's expectations. In fact, adult humans, with their personalities
formed by years of experience and socialization can be even more different to
train than dogs!
It is advisable, however, for anyone planning to train a dog to take steps to
train themselves to be patient. There are a few helpful recommendations that can
allow a trainer/owner to improve their patience skills.
Initially, owners can be taught to walk away before losing their temper. When
one feels their patience is at an end, instead of losing their temper or acting
in a manner inconsistent with the chosen training methodology, the owner can
simply call an end to the training session. This insures that training does not
degenerate into an angry battle of wills. The sessions can be resumed at some
point when the owner feels he has regained his sense of calm. By following this
approach, owners will soon find they are able to focus on the training project
for longer durations before they are at wit's end. Frustration is the enemy of
patience, and avoiding overly frustrating training sessions reminds the owner
there is no need for intense frustration; they recognize they are not trapped in
the situation.
Additionally, owners must consistently remind themselves of the fact they are
dealing with a dog. This sounds remarkably obvious on its face, but too often
owners look at the pet as a soulless project when training becomes difficult. By
reminding themselves they are dealing with an animal who does not share our
understanding of the world or our communicative powers, they are less likely to
lose their patience. It is when the animal is seen as an object upon which one
can force their will that patience dwindles most quickly.
Finally, an owner should have a realistic understanding of the time commitment
required to train a dog. Impatience results when one's goals are not met within
anticipated time frames. Too often, unfortunately, dog owners are not really
aware of the length of time they should expect successful training to take. By
outfitting the owner with a clear understanding of dog training techniques and a
commensurate understanding of the time required to implement those methods,
realistic expectations can be created. With a realistic outlook regarding what
is ahead, an owner is less likely to find himself or herself feeling agitated or
The idea of retraining an owner before he or she trains a dog may seem unusual.
However, modern dog training techniques require a level of patience and calmness
not always possessed by dog owners. By increasing the dog owner's ability to
remain patient, the likelihood of successful training is increased